Transgender Denied at the Olympics: Victory for Women Athletes

William Thomas, claiming to be a female and now referring to himself as Lia Thomas, was denied the ability to participate in the Olympics as a female athlete this week. This is a win for female athletes, but Americans must speak up more to protect women’s sports.

In 2019, Mr. Thomas, a biological male ranked at 554th in men’s swimming, grew out his hair, changed his pronouns, and claimed to be a woman. The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) failed female athletes and allowed him, and other men, to participate in college women’s sports. The advantage of male biology catapulted Mr. Thomas to win the women’s 500-yard freestyle in 2022, ahead of actual female athletes.

The assault on female athletes did not stop at the swimming pool. Riley Gaines detailed the mistreatment her and fellow female athletes faced when Mr. Thomas appeared in the female changing room. Watch video here.

With the ability of biological males claiming womanhood in order to boost their athletic careers, women’s sports is at risk. Our Texas Legislators have worked hard to protect women’s sports. In February, Senator Brandon Creighton tweeted the following: “Today, on National Women and Girls Sports Day, we celebrate the strength, dedication, and achievements of female athletes. Last year, I was proud to coauthor Senate Bill 15, banning biological males from competing in women’s sports. We must protect the integrity of competition for Texas girls and women so they can compete at the highest levels and reach their full potential!”

The Biden administration attempted to suppress Texas’ conservative values by blocking Title IX protections of women’s sports. Governor Abbott responded by directing colleges to not comply, stating “As I have already made clear, Texas will not comply with President Joe Biden's rewrite of Title IX that contradicts the original purpose and spirit of the law to support the advancement of women… Last week, I instructed the Texas Education Agency to ignore President Biden's illegal dictate of Title IX. Today, I am instructing every public college and university in the State of Texas to do the same”. Read more here. Federal Judge O’Connor agreed and blocked the Biden Administration’s attempts.

Republicans will continue to fight for Texas values and the protection of women and children. Make sure to vote for all of the Republican candidates during the General Election. Early voting starts in October. Stay tuned to the Montgomery County Republican Club website and Newsletter to learn how you can make an impact.

About the Montgomery County Republican Club

The Montgomery County Republican Club is an independent political action committee focused on engaging the Republican community within Montgomery County with educational opportunities and current research. Since our existence in 2020, we have never endorsed one Republican over another and, instead, present fair and accurate information on Republican candidates so that voters can make an informed decision. We often host Town Halls with elected officials, Get Out the Vote Rallies, & Republican Candidate Forums. We also research candidates’ stances on issues & party affiliation in non-partisan races.

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