Electricity Updates

Republican Community

It has been a rough week.  Hurricane Beryl tore throgh our county on Monday and many still are without power.  Today, Congressman Luttrell (CD8) released a social media video about nesting... explaining that if you are in a nest of people who are without power, even though it's on all around you, to let your local officials know.  They are working with Electric Providers to get Montgomery County fully electrified. 

Speaking of elected officials, HUGE shout out to our County Judge Mark Keough who has really been holding the electric providers accountable - with an emphasis on the leadership problem with Centerpoint.  We grabbed his social media skeleton graphic to show just how serious he has been on publicly taking this head on.  We encourage you to follow our County Judge's social media and the Office of Emergency Management to stay up to date.  If there is ANYTHING we can do for you, please let us know.

Our next event is scheduled for August 5th at Honor Cafe, 6:00 p.m.  We hope to see you soon! 

Montgomery County Republican Club

About the Montgomery County Republican Club

The Montgomery County Republican Club is an independent political action committee focused on engaging the Republican community within Montgomery County with educational opportunities and current research. Since our existence in 2020, we have never endorsed one Republican over another and, instead, present fair and accurate information on Republican candidates so that voters can make an informed decision. We often host Town Halls with elected officials, Get Out the Vote Rallies, & Republican Candidate Forums. We also research candidates’ stances on issues & party affiliation in non-partisan races.

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